03 August 2005

postcards from the edge...

excerpt from a letter i sent recently:

"i've decided to approve of myself, no matter what.
hell or high water.
it doesn't matter judgmental labels i put on or accept. from this
point on, i approve of myself 1000+%. absolutely. unconditional. no

i promise that this is the secret to sanity. although everything in our culture is spoonfeeding, injecting, brainwashing, hypnotizing us to do otherwise, i promisepromisepromise that this is the best kept secret ever. now when i find myself riding down roads or reminiscing about something questionable that i said or did, i just approve me anyhow. no beating myself up. no "what ifs...". just, "word. that's cool. i approve. u still be the shit."

try it. catch yourself in the conversations you're having with yourself and then just insert unadulterated, uncensored, unconditional, blatantly irrational, self-approval. the rest will fall into place seamlessly.

money-back guarantee.



At 04 August, 2005 07:09, Blogger fatrobot said...

you have a great writing style

At 04 August, 2005 09:42, Blogger Phoenix said...

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At 04 August, 2005 09:42, Blogger Phoenix said...

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At 04 August, 2005 13:23, Blogger Phoenix said...

*chubbyelectronica--thankusoverymuch. muah!

*valdezfurg--i think that's the loop-de-loop trick. we're always waiting to be somewhere else before we unconditionally accept ourselves. the whole trick is that we never actually get "there". it's always the carrot in front of the horse.

that's why it has to be an absolute, hellorhighwater commited choice. otherwise we'll always be distracted by the idea that there really is a 'there there' and we just haven't made it yet. that's the intellectual ratrace, a way of thinking ourselves out of all of the beauty that we really are.

i believe that this feeling of not being 'enough' is what builds and sustains capitalism, imperialism and the illusive american dream. it's what keeps us competitive and judgemental. it is a prison of our own making...and i believe our self-acceptance is the way out.

yes ma'am, it is a journey, a conscious process, a work in progress...but i've got the feeling that we're not here to berate or abuse or damage ourselves (or eachother, but that's really the same thing, now isn't it?). i believe we're just here to love. that in itself is an interesting enough journey of its very own...



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