the truth shall set you free
love is all there is. all else is illusion.and let's say you don't believe the above statement to be true. let's say you think it's a bunch of bullkaka. what if you dared an experiment to live as if it were true anyway? what if everything, every little thing, person, experience, behavior and comment was love in action, something that was placed in your path to inspire the highest evolution of Spirit? what if nothing could or would ever cause you any harm?
what if you dared to pretend that was true, just for a moment.
even if you weren't willing to pretend it was true, what if you decided to think that way anyway, just to see how things turned out?
i believe most people are living as if the world is out to get them, as if they've done (or are) something wrong and look for proof in every experience to validate it. but what if we dared to believe something else? even if just for a moment...what could we create if it was all love?
failure wouldn't exist. victimhood would no longer be powerful reasoning. the search for power and control would be over. we could all just be as beautiful and perfect as we naturally are. and from that place we could only create more beauty and perfection.
what if we weren't trying to fill voids or make up for being ourselves? and instead just moved from the knowing that it's all love.
i dare you to try that on for a day. or just this moment if a day seems to long.
let me know how it turns out.
love always,
they say the goodness in life belongs to those who believe. so, i believe...YES!! --the might mos, "love"
i didn't really know where to put this but i thought this might be something that you'll be interested in....
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