30 June 2005

word warrior

i want to touch you, penetrate beyond these walls caging us in/out but your papercut words slice open my fingers, staining the blank canvas between us.

yesterday i was reminded that the universe always brings us whatever we need to evolve. there are no mistakes, missteps, "oops" moments/relationships/words/experiences. you are just a supporting character/teacher/guide, bringing me closer to my own spiritual growth and evolution. and so my words are no longer standing behind a pointed finger spewing blame onto you, but are instead pointed inward, questioning, "what is this experience giving me?" "how is it serving my growth"?

there is no more need to process, analyze, mental micro-manage. i put down my cape of victimhood yesterday, leaving me with nothing but my own truth and the universe's infinite and divine wisdom. i now know that you are not a villain and i am not a victim but i am also no longer a glutton for punishment. i have seen enough of the truth to just let it all go. i have seen the light in my own reflection and anything other than the willingness to get over it is just a hunger for ego/insecurity stroking in the form of expertise and talk-chatter-motherf*ckingprocessing.

i know that there is no one to blame, including myself, because this is all just a test, a scene, an opportunity to grow. and so i stand in agreement with the pact i made with myself yesterday. i stand solid in my commitment to getting over it and celebrating the process instead of the resenting the journey. but there is one thing i know for sure, today and always--your words will never touch my skin again.

basking in the light of the new moon,

l. boog.


At 21 August, 2005 10:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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