Spirit answers prayer
last night i prayed for devotion, for isolation, for a reminder of the sacred and the divine.today i took my students on an adventure to a centuries old taoist temple carved into the top of a mountain overlooking a great, big body of beautiful green water.
each cave was hand carved by monks committed to making love visible. i want to sleep on cold stone temple floors, and press my ear so intently that i might hear the heartbeat of god.
the universe has also sent me a 98 year old sage disguised as a 15 year old girl named chai. big wisdom is this one here. she is also a reminder of the path. "thank you" is all i can secretly mumble between breaths in our million year old conversations. when she asked me if i was religous i said, "i am in love with the Divine. i am passionate about the sacred. i am hungry for the spirtiual wisdom that comes from folks from all over the world. i think religion is just one path that draws us closer to God. so, yes and no, i guess." and that is my most sacred truth. it is the light in even the darkest of moments.
the song my class sung for our eigth grade graduation was 'bridge over troubled water'. and while i found it to be incredibly corney at the time, the lyrics really resonate with me now. all i've got to say is, thank goddess for blogger. it can bring people together in the most mysterious and surprising ways. i'm sure that if it hadn't brought me to a cetain someone, over a year a year ago, i would probably be in a very different place than i am right now. so, thank you. you know who you are. thank you for everything. as corney as it sounds, you've been quite a b.o.t.w. and i greatly appreciate you.
okay. i'm going to stop spending time in this here cyber cafe and get out into the china sun.
have a beautiful day.
Your journey brings me so much joy. So much.
I can't wait to speak to you again.
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