25 August 2006


thanks for the well wishes wonderful ones!
fyi: here's my schedule for the next couple of months--

now - aug 29: seattle
aug 29 - sept 5: atl (shawt)
sept 5 - oct 7: seattle (and such)
oct 7 - oct 9: midwestern domestic travels
oct 9 - dec 22: INDIA!!!!

i'll keep you posted on the other details as they unfold.


21 August 2006

the truth is...

i lied.

a bit ago i announced several things and some of them have come to be incorrect.
one of the most important ones is my upcoming move to oaktown (3.5.7).
instead of moving in october to the east bay area of the country that i love, i've decided to hang out in india for a couple of months instead.
i'm excited.
juiced and putting the wheels in motion to create an fantastic journey.

there are other things too, but this is all i've got to say right now.

blessed be!
